Protect Our Petrels
Our goal is to promote the conservation of Aotearoa's native seabirds. Join our community as we work towards a safer place for our seabirds.
Protect our Petrels is driven by a passion to conserve seabirds, Protect Our Petrels began in 2022 when Auckland community members decided that enough was enough. Aotearoa is a seabird capital and sadly our seabirds are impacted heavily by us. It's time to raise awareness and bring about changes to help protect and conserve our seabirds.
Help and Advice
Aotearoa is a seabird capital home to 25% of the world's seabird species. 1/3 of them only breed in Aoetearoa making Aotearoa a special place. Sadly many seabirds are threatened every year by a plethora of risks. Read more to learn about seabirds and risks impacting them and how you can help reduce threats to them
Extra extra read all about it! Here are some latest projects and news items
Cook's Petrel Bird of the Year
This year was BirdCare Aotearoa's first time as a campaign manager for Bird of the Year 2022. We campaigned for a seabird to raise awareness of the toll that light pollution has on them. Support them and other threatened seabirds for the 2023 Bird of the Year to raise awareness of threats affecting Aotearoa's seabirds. (Video Credit: BirdCare Aotearoa)